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Domaine Bayard

Vignobles et découvertes Agriculture Raisonnée Pets welcome

In the heart of the Jurançon AOC in Monein, the Domaine Bayard is a six hectare property with three hectares of vines; it has been worked in an artisanal manner for centuries, and was bought by the Laborde family in 2016.
The goal is to get the best from this old and noble land using the most modern methods (in the winery, the fermenting room, the press, thermoregulation…) and whilst accessing highly developed winemaking skills from abroad, in order to create both dry and sweet Jurançons adapted to today's palates. This is why the wines have already received accolades from specialist French and international wine guides.
The new plantations will integrate native varieties, which are designed to retain the fresh and lively taste of Jurançons, despite the general tendency towards global warming.

Products Type
  • Wine
Prices Visite dégustation (vigne, chai et dégustation commentée de 3 vins) : 8 €
Formule Oenophile & Gourmande : Visite, dégustation et repas : 35€
Gratuit pour les enfants
Groupe : sur demande
Payment methods
  • Payment cards
  • Cheques and postal orders
  • Cash
  • Bank transfers

30 Chemin Pierrette
Quartier Ucha
64360 MONEIN

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