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Chez Estrebou


Artisanal salting company located a stone's throw from the church of St Girons in Monein. Specializing in recipes from the Béarn region, it has developed a wide range of preserves with a local accent, under the friendly names of "recettes du père Putinkon" or "recettes de madame Connasse". Combining ancestral recipes and modern techniques, you'll delight in specialties based on pork and duck, such as: rillons à quinze, terrines béarnaises, with Monein chilli pepper, with Jurançon? Some recipes are enhanced by the famous Monein chilli pepper, planted on 5000 m2 of hillsides; it is dried but not smoked, and can also be found in powder, jelly or mustard.

Type of business
  • Local produce

25 rue du Commerce 64360 MONEIN

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