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Verger Pélanne

Bienvenue à la Ferme Agriculture Raisonnée Pets welcome

In Sault-de-Navailles, a small village near Orthez and on the edge of the Landes region, Olivier Dupuy is a second generation fruit grower. The Pélanne orchard produces 16 varieties of apples and 7 types of pears; this means he can supply fruit for all tastes throughout the growing season. The orchard is on a hillside which gives the fruit an aromatic and delicious taste and they are produced sustainably. Stop off and enjoy the scrumptious taste of truly fresh fruit including apples, pears and kiwis; you can also purchase home made juice.

Products Type
  • Jam
  • Fruit / vegetables
  • Fruit juice
  • Apples
Prices Visite guidée adulte : 8€
Gratuit pour les enfants jusqu'à 12 ans.
Visite guidée groupe : 5€
Payment methods
  • Payment cards
  • Cheques and postal orders
  • Cash

800 route de Beyries 64300 SAULT-DE-NAVAILLES


Olivier Dupuy
Olivier Dupuy

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