7°C 14°C
Chargement en cours...

A feeling of freedom and the breeze in your hair 

You'll love ! 

  • cycling safely
  • the varied panoramas
  • picnics beside the gave de Pau

The country path

A country path is exclusively for pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles (bicycles, rollerblades, scooters...). Cars, quads and other motor vehicles are strictly prohibited. From Laroin , the path runs along the banks of the Gave de Pau to Tarsacq and then Orthez. It is a walk which is accessible to all, 13 km long, which offers beautiful views of the Gave de Pau, the forests and the Béarn countryside.

  • Lac d'Artix Besingrand Pardies
  • Saligue du lac d'Artix Besingrand Pardies
  • Balade sur la véloroute V81

Interpretation trails

Medieval Orthez

Orthez reveals its historical secrets when you detour from this country stroll from the edge of the Gave to the lac du Grecq crossing the Moncade woods.

Monein interpretative trails

These are adapted, fun and well-marked walks to do with your children. The Monein History trail presents the history of the village through its architecture. It offers a beautiful point of view over the church St Girons which is also its point of departure. 10 km from the village centre, the Laring forest path, in the countryside, you’ll feel the wealth of wildlife and flora.

Download :
The Monein History trail guide
The Laring Forest trail guide

Lendresse interpretative trail

The trail begins in the streets of the village surrounded by Béarnaise architecture: an old abbey became a manor, the story of a sunken church and the fabulous adventure of Lacq discoveries. The walk continues along the Gave de Pau. It is lined with 16 information panels for fun information on the vegetation. It offers a number of picnic tables.

Download the Lendresse interpretative trail guide

The urban interpretation trail of Mourenx

Mourenx, the latest new city in France, is discovered through its interpretive trail. An atypical history and architecture that young and old can discover through 5 information stations embellished with videos visible online on our youtube channel « Vacances en Cœur de Béarn ».

Download the urban interpretative trail of Mourenx guide

Le sentier d’interprétation de Labastide-Cézeracq

Installés sur le circuit n°14 "Les berges du gave" du plan local de randonnées de la CCLO, 9 panneaux mettent valeur l'histoire de Labastide-Cézeracq. Sillonnez les rues de ce village à l'architecture typiquement Béarn et découvrez ses trésors cachés : La forge, le moulin de bas, l'abbaye laïque...
Téléchargez la boucle n°14 "Les Berges du Gave"

Le sentier d’interprétation de Maslacq

Ce sentier d'interprétation vous propose de découvrir le paysage culturel et naturel de Maslacq. Long de 8km au départ de l'église, il est jalonné de 21 panneaux pédagogiques et ludiques qui racontent l'histoire du village, de la tour et présentent le Gave de Pau. Il emprunte le chemin de Compostelle sur 4km et se termine au sanctuaire de Muret.

Téléchargez le sentier d'interprétation de Maslacq